Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Technik Wytwarzania
- Metrology 03-IB-METRO-SP3
- Metrology 03-TR-MET-SP2
- Metrology 03-TR-METRO-NP4
- Microscopy and digital image analysis 03-IB-TDM-MCAO-SP7
- Modern engineering materials 03-MBM-NOMAT-SD2
- Modern engineering materials 03-MBM-NMK-ND2
- Modern engineering materials 03-MBM-NMK-ND1
- Modern engineering materials 03-MBM-NMK-SD1
- Modern polimerowe materials 03-MBM-TTP-NTPOL-SD3
- Modern polimerowe materials 03-MBM-TTP-NTP-ND3
- Nowoczesne materiały konstrukcyjne 03-MBM-2409-ND1
- Organization and management in medicine 03-IB-ORGZM-SP5
- Parts and components of machine tools 03-MBM-OUT-ZEOBR-ND4
- Plastic processing 03-MBM-PPT-SP3
- Plastic processing 03-MBM-PPT-NP5
- Plastic processing 03-WZ-PTS-SP4
- Plastic processing 03-WZ-PTS-SP5
- Plastic processing 03-MBM-PPT-NP2
- Plastic processing 03-MBM-PPT-NP3
- Plastics processing technology 03-MBM-TTP-TPTPO-SP6
- Plastics processing technology 03-MBM-TTP-TPT-SP5
- Plastics processing technology 03-MBM-TTP-TPT-NP7
- Polymer processing - Technological Process Design 03-MBM-TTP-PTPPT-SP6
- Polymer processing - Technological Process Design 03-MBM-TTP-PTPPT-NP7
- Polymer processing - Technological Process Design 03-MBM-TTP-PTPPT-NP8
- Polymer processing - Technological Process Design 03-MBM-TTP-PTPPT-SP7
- Polymer processing machinery 03-MBM-TTP-MPT-SP6
- Polymer processing machinery 03-MBM-TTP-MPT-NP7
- Polymer products design 03-MBM-TTP-PWP-SP6
- Polymer products design 03-MBM-TTP-PWP-NP7
- Polymers and composites 03-MBM-MPOLI-SD2
- Polymers and composites 03-MBM-MPK-ND2
- Preparation and submission of thesis and preparing for diploma exam 03-MBM-TM-NOP-SP7
- Preparation and submission of thesis and preparing for diploma exam 03-MBM-TTP-NOP-SP7
- Process machinery control 08-ZIP-STEMT-SD2
- Processing of plastics 15-WZR-PTS-SP4
- Processing of plastics 15-WZR-PTS-SP5
- Processing technologies chipless 03-MBM-TM-TOB-NP6
- Processing technologies chipless 03-MBM-TM-TOB-SP5
- Production engineering 03-MBM-INZPR-SD2
- Production engineering 03-MBM-TM-IP-SP6
- Production engineering 03-MBM-TM-IP-SP7
- Production engineering 03-MBM-TM-IP-NP8
- Production engineering 03-MBM-WZIP-ND3
- Production Techniques and Additive Techniques 03-MCH-TWTP-SP4
- Production technologies 03-IB-TDM-TECHW-SP7
- Project management 03-PTS-NCC-ZP-SP7
- Quality engineering 03-MBM-TM-WZJAK-ND3
- Rapid prototyping techniques 03-MBM-TTP-TSP-NP8
- Rapid prototyping techniques 03-MBM-TTP-TSP-SP7
- Recycling of polimers 03-MBM-TTP-RECYK-SD3
- Recycling of polimers 03-MBM-TTP-RMTP-ND3
- Reological and thermal aspects of processing 03-MBM-TTP-REOLO-SD3
- Reological and thermal aspects of processing 03-MBM-TTP-RCAP-ND3
- Seminar 03-MBM-TM-SEMDY-SP7
- Simulations of processing processes 03-MBM-TTP-SYMUP-SD3
- Simulations of processing processes 03-MBM-TTP-SYMUP-NP8
- Simulations of processing processes 03-MBM-TTP-SPP-SP7
- Simulations of processing processes 03-MBM-TTP-SPP-ND3
- Steering of technological machines 03-MBM-PMS-SMTEC-SD3
- Steering of technological machines 03-MBM-PMS-SMT-SD2
- Steering of technological machines 03-MBM-PMS-SMTEC-ND3
- Systemy pomiarowe i metrologia 03-MCH-0084-SP2
- Technical metrology 08-ZIP-METRT-NP3
- Technical metrology 08-ZIP-METRT-SP3
- Techniki wytwarzania i podstawy technologii maszyn 03-TIL-0121-SP1
- Techniques and Technologies in Industrial Design 15-WZR-TTW-SD1
- Techniques and Technologies in Industrial Design 15-WZR-TTW-SD2
- Technological processings of polimerowych materials 03-MBM-TTP-TEPTP-SD3
- Technological processings of polimerowych materials 03-MBM-TTP-TPTP-ND3
- Technologies bonding 03-MBM-TM-TS-SP6
- Technologies bonding 03-MBM-TM-TS-NP7
- Technologies of Plastics Processing 03-MBM-EMS-TPT-SP6
- Technologies of plastics processing 03-MBM-TM-TPTP-NP6
- Technologies of Plastics Processing 03-MBM-TM-TPTP-SP5
- Tools for plastics processing 03-MBM-TTP-NPT-SP5
- Total Quality Management 03-MBM-EMS-TQM-SP5
- Total Quality Management 03-MBM-EMS-TQM-SP6
- Wind farm stucture 05-EN-ESE-BELWI-SP6
- Workshop metrology 03-MBM-MW-SP2
- Workshop metrology 03-MBM-MW-NP5
- Workshop metrology 03-MBM-MW-SP1
- Workshop metrology 03-MBM-MW-NP3
- Workshop metrology 03-MBM-MW-NP1
- Workshop Metrology 03-MBM-MT-SP2
- Workshop Metrology 03-MBM-METTCH-NP3
- Workshop Metrology 03-MBM-0711-SP2
- Workshop Metrology 03-MBM-METTCH-NP4