Courses at
Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology
- (in Polish) Agrobiotechnology 04-ZO-EMS-AGBIO-SP3
- (in Polish) Advanced methods in biostatistics 04-ZO-EMS-AMBIO-SP3
- (in Polish) Sustainable development Contemporary Concepts and Challenges 04-ZO-EMS-SDCCC-SP3
- (in Polish) Soil protection and remediation 04-ZO-EMS-SPREM-SP3
- (in Polish) Statistics in Animal Science 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-SA-SP5
- (in Polish) Praktyka Erasmus (pierwsza) 01-ERA-PE-SP1
- (in Polish) Praktyka Erasmus (pierwsza) 04-ERA-PE-SP1
- (in Polish) Praktyka Erasmus (druga) 04-ERA-PE-SP2
- (in Polish) Praktyka Erasmus (pierwsza) 08-ERA-PE-SP1
- Advanced methods in biostatistics 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-AB-SP5
- Advanced methods of statistics 04-RO-EMS-AMS-SP6
- Advising in Agriculture 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-AA-SP6
- Agricukltural management methods against the pest 04-RO-EMS-AMMP-SP6
- Agricultural Chemistry with Elements of Soil Science 04-ZO-CHREG-NP2
- Agricultural consulting 06-ZO-0429-NP4
- Agricultural consulting 06-ZO-0429-SP4
- Agricultural extension and rural development 04-RO-EMS-DROL-SP5
- Agricultural meteorology 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-ME-SP5
- Agricultural structure and irrigation 04-RO-EMS-ASI-SP5
- Agrobiotechnology 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-AT-SP5
- Agrotronics 06-ZO-1019-ND2
- Agrotronics 06-ZO-1019-SD2
- Bacteriology 04-RO-EMS-BKT-SP5
- Bases of chemical catalysis 04-BIO-EMS-BCHC-SP5
- Basic statistics 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-BS-SP5
- Basic statistics and biometry 04-RO-EMS-BSB-SP6
- Basic techniques in molecular biology and genetic engineering 04-ZO-EMS-BTMBG-SP3
- Basics of entrepreneurship 04-AGT-PP-NP3
- Basics of entrepreneurship 04-AGT-PP-SP3
- Basics of operating a business in agriculture 06-ZO-1001-SD2
- Bio-certyfikowane produkty spożywcze 04-PZ-2080-SP1
- Biochemia 04-PZ-0399-SP2
- Biochemical background of plant yielding 04-RO-EMS-BBPY-SP6
- Biochemistry 04-ZO-EMS-BIOCH-SP3
- Biochemistry 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-BY-SP6
- Bioinformatics 04-BIO-EMS-BIOI-SP5
- Bioinformatics 04-RO-EMS-BIOI-SP6
- Biological and bioinformatic databases 04-BIO-EMS-BBDB-SP5
- Biology 04-BIO-EMS-BIOL-SP5
- Biotechnology in plant production 04-ZO-EMS-BIOPP-SP3
- Biotechnology in plant production 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-BP-SP5
- Biotechnology of microorganisms 04-ZO-EMS-BMICR-SP3
- Botanika 04-PZ-1768-SP2
- Building Physics and Microclimate 01-RO-EMS-BFM-SP5
- Cereal technology 04-RO-EMS-PZB-SP5
- Cereal technology 04-TZR-EMS-CTE-SP6
- Cereal technology - project 04-TZR-EMS-CTP-SP4
- Chemia 04-PZ-0074-SP1
- Chemistry 04-BIO-EMS-CHEM-SP5
- Commodity science of raw materials and products of plant origin 04-IW-TSPPR-SP5
- Commodity science of raw materials and products of plant origin 06-IW-0409-SP3
- Commodity science of raw materials and products of plant origin 06-ZO-0409-NP3
- Commodity science of raw materials and products of plant origin 06-ZO-0409-SP3
- Conducting classes with students 04-AG-PZDS-ST8
- Conducting classes with students 04-AG-PZS-ST7
- Conducting classes with students 04-OKS-PZDS-ST8
- Conducting classes with students 04-OKS-PZS-ST7
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-AG-PZDS-ST7
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-AG-PZDS-ST1
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-AG-PZDS-ST2
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-AG-PZDS-ST3
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-AG-PZDS-ST4
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-AG-PZDS-ST5
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-AG-PZDS-ST6
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-OKS-PZDS-ST1
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-OKS-PZDS-ST2
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-OKS-PZDS-ST3
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-OKS-PZDS-ST4
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-OKS-PZDS-ST5
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-OKS-PZDS-ST6
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-AG-PZUS-ST8
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-OKS-PZDS-ST7
- Conducting classes with students (Professional Practice) 04-OKS-PZUS-ST8
- Crops and pests 04-RO-EMS-CAP-SP4
- Cultivation of vegetables 04-RO-EMS-CV-SP6
- Cyto and histopathology 04-BIO-EMS-CHPT-SP5
- Cytogenetics 06-ZO-EMS-CYTO-SP5
- Diploma practice 04-RAN-DPR-SD1
- Diploma thesis and the diploma exam 04-AK-PZPD-SP7
- Ekologiczne metody produkcji surowców żywnościowych 04-PZ-2081-SP1
- Ekonomia 04-PZ-0071-SP1
- Electrical machines 05-RO-EMS-ELMA-SP5
- Entomology and pest control 04-RO-EMS-ENT-SP5
- Enzymology 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-EZ-SP5
- Experiment design 04-RO-EMS-EDS-SP6
- Experimental methodology 04-ZO-EMS-EXMET-SP3
- Experimental methodology 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-EX-SP5
- Experimental methods 04-RO-EMS-EXM-SP5
- Field course IV 04-RO-EMS-FC-SP6
- Field crop management 04-RO-EMS-FCP-SP4
- Field crop pests 04-RO-EMS-FCP-SP5
- Food engineering 04-TZR-EMS-FENG-SP6
- Forestry management 04-RO-EMS-FORM-SP6
- General and inorganic chemistry 04-BIO-EMS-GCHEM-SP6
- General entomology 04-RO-EMS-GENT-SP2
- General Microbiology 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-GM-SP5
- Geologia z petrografią 04-RO-KS-0601-ND2
- Globalization - US Polish agriculture compared 04-RO-EMS-USP-SP6
- Gospodarka ściekami i odpadami 04-RO-KS-0602-ND2
- Graduation practice 04-BIO-PD-SD1