Courses at
(in Polish) Pracownia Ogrodnictwa
- Agrobiotechnologia 04-RO-0578-ND1
- Agrobiotechnology 04-RO-AGROB-ND1
- Agrobiotechnology 04-RO-AGROB-SD1
- Agrobiotechnology 04-BIO-EMS-ABT-SP6
- Basic of horticulture 04-RO-EMS-BHORT-SP6
- Basics of designing blue and green infrastructure 04-AK-PPBZI-SP4
- Biotechnology in plant production 04-BIO-BWPR-SP6
- Biotechnology in plant production 04-BIO-EMS-BPP-SP6
- Biotechnology of medicinal plants 04-ZIF-BRL-SP3
- Designing and maintenance of parks and gardens 04-RO-DOR-UOPPO-SD3
- Garden design special purpose 04-AK-POSP-SP5
- Historia sztuki ogrodowej 04-AK-1914-SP2
- Horiculture 04-RO-OGR-NP6
- Horiculture 04-RO-OGR-SP5
- Horticultural therapy 04-AK-HT-SP5
- Horticultural therapy 04-ZIF-ZRL-HTRP-SP6
- Horticulture 04-EMS-HORT-SP1
- Horticulture 04-EMS-HORT-SP2
- Hortiterapia 04-ZIF-0598-SP1
- Intellectual and industrial property protection 04-BIO-OWIIP-SP7
- Little-known vegetable crops 04-RO-AA-RWMZ-SD3
- Little-known vegetable crops 04-RO-DOR-RWMZ-SD3
- Little-known vegetables and fruit plants in human nutrition 04-TZR-TPR-MZWRS-SD3
- Medicinal plants gardens 04-ZIF-ZRL-ORL-SP7
- Modern technologies in horticulture 04-BIO-BS-NTWO-SP5
- Nursery trees 04-AK-AOK-SZRO-SP6
- Ornamental plants 04-AK-RO-SP2
- Ornamental plants 04-AK-RO2-SP3
- Plant biotechnology 04-EMS-PBIO-SP2
- Plant tissue engineering 04-BIO-DM-ITR-SD1
- Plant tissue engineering 04-BIO-2644-SD1
- Professional practice 04-BIO-PZ-SP6
- Rośliny ozdobne I 04-AK-1915-SP2
- Social and economic aspects of biotechnology 04-BIO-DM-SIEAB-SD2
- The history of garden art 04-AK-HSO-SP4
- The history of garden art 04-AK-HSO-SP2