Courses at
(in Polish) *Zakład Ekologii
- (in Polish) Plankton and culture techniques 06-OZZ-EMS-PCT-SP4
- Acarology 06-OZZ-EMS-ACARO-SP3
- Agroecology 06-OS-OSP-AGROE-SP7
- Assessment of Influence on Environment 06-OS-OONŚ-SP6
- Bioindication 06-ZO-EMS-BIOIN-SP4
- Calculus statistics 06-OZZ-SMATC-SP2
- Diploma Seminar 06-OS-OSP-SEMD-SP6
- Ecology 06-OZZ-EKOLW-SP2
- Ecology 06-OZZ-EMS-ECOL-SP4
- Ecology and Environmental Protection 06-ZO-EIOŚC-SP3
- Ecology and Environmental Protection 06-OZZ-EMS-EEP-SP3
- Ecotoxicology of invertebrates 06-ZO-EMS-EINV-SP4
- Fishing 06-ZO-HZTE-WD-SD2
- Fishing 06-OS-OSP-WĘD-SD2
- Forestry 06-OZZ-EMS-FORES-SP3
- Furnishing of greenery in the gardens 06-ZO-HZTE-UZWO-SD2
- Hydrobiology 06-OS-HYDRW-SD1
- Protection and Reclamation of Water Basins 06-OS-OSP-OIRZW-SD2
- Revitalization of the environment 06-OS-OSP-RŚ-SP7
- Soil invertebrates 06-ZO-EMS-SINV-SP4
- Storage Pests 06-OZZ-EMS-SPES-SP3
- Zoological gardens 06-OS-OSP-OZO-SD2