Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Katedra Hodowli i Żywienia Zwierząt
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Hodowli i Żywienia Zwierząt
- (in Polish) Kultura żywego słowa z elementami retoryki 06-ZO-KZSR-ST8
- (in Polish) Dairy products derived from sheep and goats 06-ZO-EMS-DPSG-SP3
- (in Polish) Chów i hodowla zwierząt 06-WET-CHHZ-SP2
- (in Polish) Chów i hodowla zwierząt 06-WET-CHHZ-SP3
- (in Polish) Żywienie zwierząt i paszoznawstwo 06-WET-ZZP-SP4
- (in Polish) Cattle Breeding 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-CB-SP5
- (in Polish) Poultry Science 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-PS-SP5
- (in Polish) Chów i hodowla zwierząt 06-WET-CHHZ-SM2
- (in Polish) Żywienie zwierząt i paszoznawstwo 06-WET-ZZP-SM4
- (in Polish) Dietetyka w psychologii zwierząt 06-PZT-DPZ-NPD1
- (in Polish) Elementy szkolenia psów 06-PZT-ESP-NPD2
- (in Polish) Farmakoterapia w zaburzeniach behawioralnych 06-PZT-FZB-NPD2
- (in Polish) Organizacja praktyki behawioralnej 06-PZT-OPB-NPD1
- (in Polish) Podstawy neurobiologii 06-PZT-PNE-NPD1
- (in Polish) Podstawy psychologii człowieka 06-PZT-PPC-NPD1
- (in Polish) Podstawy psychologii zwierząt 06-PZT-PPZ-NPD1
- (in Polish) Terapie behawioralne kotów 06-PZT-TBK-NPD2
- (in Polish) Terapie behawioralne psów 06-PZT-TBP-NPD2
- (in Polish) Wpływ chorób somatycznych na zachowanie psów i kotów 06-PZT-WCHS-NPD2
- (in Polish) Zaburzenia behawioralne kotów 06-PZT-ZBK-NPD2
- (in Polish) Zaburzenia behawioralne psów 06-PZT-ZBP-NPD2
- (in Polish) Zapobieganie niepożądanym zachowaniom u zwierząt egzotycznych 06-PZT-ZZZ-NPD1
- Additives in animal feeding 06-ZO-DŻZ-SD1
- Additives in Animal feeding 06-ZO-DŻZ-ND1
- Amateurish animal breeding 06-ZF-ZWNiE-CHZW-SP6
- Amateurish Bird breeding 06-ZF-ZWT-ACHP-SP5
- Amateurish Bird breeding 06-ZF-ZWNiE-ACHP-SP5
- Amateurish Bird breeding 06-ZO-ZPGI-ACHP-SP6
- Amateurish Bird breeding 06-ZO-ZPGI-ACHP-NP6
- Amateurish breeding of animals 06-ZO-CHZA-NP5
- An animal in the service of man 06-ZO-0982-ND1
- Animal behaviour disorders 06-ZO-FZ-ZZZ-SD3
- Animal behaviour disorders 06-ZO-FZ-ZZZW-SD2
- Animal behaviour disorders 06-ZO-0995-ND1
- Animal breeding 06-BIO-BPZ-HZ-SP5
- Animal breeding 06-BIO-BPZ-HZ-SP6
- Animal breeding 06-EMS-ANBRE-SP2
- Animal Feeding 06-ZF-ZZW-SP3
- Animal Feeding 06-IW-ŻZ-SP3
- Animal Feeding 06-ZO-ŻZW-SP3
- Animal Feeding 06-ZO-ŻZW-NP4
- Animal Feeding 06-ZO-0417-NP4
- Animal Feeding 06-ZO-0417-SP4
- Animal feeding during illness and convalescence 06-ZF-ZWT-ŻZCH-SP7
- Animal Health Protection 06-ZO-ORZ-OZZW-SD3
- Animal Product Determination 06-ZO-TPZW-NP7
- Animal production - cattle breeding 06-RO-PZCB-SP5
- Animal production - swine breeding 06-RO-PZCTC-SP5
- Animal Production Preventive Treatment 06-ZO-HZP-PZOOT-SP5
- Animal Reproduction 06-ZO-RZW-NP4
- Animal Reproduction 06-ZO-RZW-SP4
- Animal Reproduction 06-ZO-0418-NP4
- Animal Reproduction 06-ZO-0418-SP4
- Animal reproduction managenent 06-ZO-OZWP-ZRZ-NP6
- Animal Trade 06-OZZ-ZOZ-OZW-SP7
- Animals in culture, religion and art 06-ZO-ZKRS-ND1
- Backyard Animal Breeding 06-OZZ-PCHZW-SP5
- Basic of animal reproduction 06-ZO-PRZ-SP4
- Basic of animal reproduction 06-ZO-PRZW-NP4
- Basics of animal nutrition 06-IW-0640-SP4
- Basics of animal nutrition 06-ZFP-0640-SP3
- Basics of good manufacturing practice (GMP) 02-IF-PDPW(GMP)-SP4
- Basics of monogastric animals breeding 06-ZF-PHZM-SP4
- Basics of ruminants breeding 06-ZF-PCHHPC-SP3
- Basics of ruminants breeding 06-ZF-PCHHPW-SP3
- Behaviorism of predators 06-ZF-ZWNiE-BDR-SP5
- Bio-insurance 06-ZO-ZPGI-BS-SP5
- Biosafety in animal production 06-IW-BPZ-SP7
- Biosafety in large-scale farms 06-ZO-OZWP-BFW-NP7
- Biosecurity 06-ZO-ZPGI-BS-NP6
- Biosecurity in animal production 06-IW-1419-SP4
- Biotechnics of reproduction 06-ZO-BIORW-ND1
- Biotechnics of reproduction 06-ZO-BRW-SD1
- Biotechnology in fodder industry 06-ZO-HZ-BPP-SD2
- Biotechnology in fodder industry 06-ZO-BWPP-ND3
- Biotechnology of animal reproduction 06-BIO-BPZ-BRZ-SP6
- Breeding and use of horses 06-ZF-HUK-SP3
- Breeding of amateur birds 06-ZO-ORZ-CHPT-SD2
- Breeding of amateur birds 06-ZO-ZPGI-CHPA-NP6
- Breeding ungulates 06-ZF-ZWNiE-CHSK-SP5
- Canine Behaviourism 06-OZZ-ZOZ-BP-SP6
- Carnivores 06-ZO-HZTE-SSD-SD3
- Cattle Breeding 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-CB-SP6
- Cattle Breeding 06-ZO-EMS-CBREE-SP4
- Cattle Breeding 06-ZO-EMS-CBREE-SP6
- Cattle growing and breeding 06-ZO-CHIHB-NP4
- Cattle growing and breeding 06-ZO-CHIHB-SP4
- Cervids and ruminants breeding 06-ZF-ZWNiE-CHJP-SP7
- Cervids breeding 06-ZO-CHJ-NP4
- Cervids breeding 06-ZO-CHJ-SP5
- Computer control of animal breeding 06-ZO-HZP-KSŻZW-SD3
- Creation of image 06-OZZ-ZOZ-KW-SP7
- Creation of image 06-IW-KW-SP7
- Creation of image 06-IW-0386-SP1
- Creation of image 06-ZO-0386-SP1
- Creation of image and presentation graphics 06-ZF-ZWNiE-KWGP-SP7
- Dairy products derived from sheep and goats 06-ZO-HZP-EMS-DP-SP6
- Dairy technology 06-TZR-TPR-TECHM-SP6
- Dietary aspects of animal health 06-ZO-HZ-DAZZ-SD3
- Dietary aspects of animal health 06-ZO-DAZZ-ND3