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What can you find on this page? Information on didactics, graduate studies, course stuctures... read more
Did you know:
There are only main subjects on the list; there are no specialities nor specializations, but these can be easily found in the search box.
Study programmes
- (in Polish) Bez podziału (WTiICh)
- (in Polish) Bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego
- (in Polish) Bioinżynieria w produkcji zwierzęcej
- (in Polish) Budowa i eksploatacja maszyn
- (in Polish) Budownictwo energooszczędne i pasywne, charakterystyka energetyczna budynków i lokali
- (in Polish) Diagnozowanie stanu upraw rolnych
- (in Polish) Erasmus
- (in Polish) Gospodarka odpadami
- (in Polish) Inżynier jako skuteczny menedżer
- (in Polish) Inżynieria odnawialnych źródeł energii
- (in Polish) Inżynieria w biologii stosowanej
- (in Polish) Inżynieria w medycynie
- (in Polish) Lekarski
- (in Polish) Mechatronika
- (in Polish) Menedżer logistyki z elementami BHP i prawa pracy
- (in Polish) Prawo i zarządzanie w ochronie zdrowia
- (in Polish) Przetwórstwo i recykling tworzyw sztucznych
- (in Polish) Psychologia zwierząt towarzyszących
- (in Polish) Szkoła doktorska
- (in Polish) Technika bezpieczeństwa i obronności
- (in Polish) Technika rolnicza i leśna
- (in Polish) Technika rolnicza i leśna
- (in Polish) Technologia i chemia żywności
- (in Polish) Transport i logistyka
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie projektami dla inżynierów
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie w sporcie
- Agriculture
- Agrotechnology
- Agrotechnology
- Animal Husbandry
- Animal Production
- Animal Production
- Applied Computer Science
- Applied Computer Science
- Architecture
- Architecture
- Architecture and Urban Planning
- Architecture and Urban Planning
- Automation and Electronics
- Bioengineering in animal production
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Chemical and Foodstuff Analytics
- Chemical and foodstuff analytics
- Chemical Technology
- Chemical Technology
- Chemical Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer aided engineering
- Data Communications
- Data Communications
- Data Communications
- Design
- Design
- Design
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Telecommunications
- Electronics and Telecommunications
- Electronics and Telecommunications
- Engineering of Renewable Energy Sources
- Engineering of Renewable Energy Sources
- Engineering of Renewable Energy Sources
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental protection
- Environmental protection
- Environmental protection
- Finance and Accounting
- Finance and Accounting
- Food Technology and Human Nutrition
- Geodesy and Cartography
- Geodesy and Cartography
- Geodesy and Real Estate Management
- Herbal Medicine and Phytotherapy
- Interior Design
- Interior Design
- Interior Design
- Interior Design
- Landscape Architecture
- Management
- Management
- Management
- Materials engineering
- Materials engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Mechatronics
- Natural resource management
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Plastic Processing
- Plastics mechanical engineering
- Plastics mechanical engineering
- Power Engineering
- Power Engineering
- Power Engineering
- Power Engineering
- Production management and engineering
- Production Management and Engineering
- Production Management and Engineering
- Technical physics
- Technical physics
- Telecommunications and the Internet of Things
- Transport
- Transport
- Transport
- Veterinary inspection
- Veterinary Inspection
- Visual Communication
- Zoological gardens and pet animals
- Zoological gardens and pet animals
- Zoophysiotherapy
- Zoophysiotherapy
- Zoophysiotherapy and Animal Care