Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Inżynierii Środowiska
- (in Polish) Environmental quality management (Zarządzanie jakością środowiska) 01-IS-EQM-ND3
- (in Polish) Monitoring środowiska 01-IS-MSROD-SP3
- (in Polish) Instalacje wodociągowe i kanalizacyjne 01-IS-INSWK-NP5
- (in Polish) Organizacja, planowanie robót 01-IS-OPR-SP6
- (in Polish) Systemy kanalizacyjne 01-IS-SYKAN-NP7
- (in Polish) Biznes plan 01-IS-BIZPL-NP7
- (in Polish) Auditing energetyczny 01-IS-AUDENE-SP5
- (in Polish) Biznes plan 01-IS-BIZPL-SP7
- (in Polish) Budownictwo pasywne 01-IS-BUDPAS-SP4
- (in Polish) Ekonomia i finansowanie w inżynierii środowiska 01-IS-EIFWIS-NP8
- (in Polish) Ekonomika i finansowanie w inżynierii środowiska 01-IS-EIFWIS-SP7
- (in Polish) Ekonomika procesu inwestycyjnego 01-IS-EKOPI-NP7
- (in Polish) Ekonomika procesu inwestycyjnego 01-IS-EKOPI-SP7
- (in Polish) Gospodarka odpadami 01-IS-GOSODP-NP7
- (in Polish) Podstawy projektowania - BIM 01-IS-PODBIM-NP7
- (in Polish) Podstawy przedsiębiorczości 01-IS-PODPRZ-NP8
- (in Polish) Podstawy przedsiębiorczości 01-IS-PODPRZ-SP7
- (in Polish) Technologia i organizacja robót sanitarnych 01-IS-TIORS-NP7
- (in Polish) Ergonomia i BHP 01-A-ERBHP-SP3
- (in Polish) Studium wykonalności inwestycji 01-IS-SWI-NP7
- (in Polish) Studium wykonalności inwestycji 01-IS-SWI-SP7
- (in Polish) Technologie w gospodarce odpadami 01-IS-TWGO-NP7
- (in Polish) Technologia i organizacja robót sanitarnych 01-IS-TIORS-SP6
- Human and the environment 01-B-CZSROD-NP2
- Human and the environment 01-A-CZSROD-SP1
- Human and the environment 01-B-CZSROD-SP2
- Human and the environment 01-IS-CAS-NP1
- Human and the environment 01-IS-CAS-SP1
- Adaptacja do zmian klimatu 01-IS-2047-ND2
- Adaptation to Climate Change 01-IS-AZK-ND2
- Adaptation to Climate Change 01-IS-AZK-SD2
- Air conditioning 01-IS-KLIMA-SP5
- Air conditioning 01-IS-KLIMA-NP6
- Air Protection 01-IS-OCHP-SP1
- Air Protection 01-IS-OCHPO-NP1
- Alternative management of rainwater 01-IS-ISIP-AZWO-ND2
- Alternative management of rainwater 01-IS-ISIP-AZWO-SD2
- Alternative sources of energy 01-IS-AZE-ND1
- Alternative sources of energy 01-IS-AZE-SD1
- Alternatywne zagospodarowanie wód opadowych 01-IS-ISIP-2055-ND2
- Architectural design of energy-saving buildings 01-B-BN-PABE-SD2
- Architectural design of energy-saving buildings 01-B-BN-PABE-ND2
- Aspekty prawne w budownictwie energooszczędnym 01-B-BN-2627-ND2
- Atmospheric protection techniques 01-IS-TOA-SD2
- Atmospheric protection techniques 01-IS-TOA-ND2
- Audyt energetyczny obiektów 01-IS-2038-ND1
- Automation and Control in Environmental Engineering 01-IS-ASIS-SD1
- Automation and Control in Environmental Engineering 01-IS-ASIS-ND1
- Automation in Environmental Engineering 01-IS-AIS-SP5
- Automation in Environmental Engineering 01-IS-AIS-NP5
- Automatyka i sterowanie w inżynierii środowiska 01-IS-2036-ND1
- Balneotechnika 01-IS-2037-ND1
- Basic of law 01-ZF-PPRA-SP2
- Basics land drainage 01-IS-POMEL-NP5
- Basics of economics 01-A-PEKON-SP2
- Basics of economics 01-AW-PEKON-SP2
- Basics of Economics 08-B-PEKON-NP1
- Basics of Economics 08-B-PEKON-SP2
- Basics of Economics 08-IS-PEKON-NP1
- Basics of Economics 01-GIK-PODEK-SP2
- Basics of Economics 08-B-PEKON-NP2
- Basics of Environmental Science 01-GIK-PODSO-SP1
- Basics of Soil Science and Land Management 01-GIK-PGGG-SP1
- Basics of Soil Science and Land Management 01-GIK-PGGG-NP1
- Basics of the operation of renewable energy sources systems 01-IS-KIOZE-PEO-SD1
- Best Available Techniques (BAT in Environmental Engineering) 01-IS-NDT-ND2
- Best Available Techniques (BAT in Environmental Engineering) 01-IS-NDT-SD2
- Biogazownie 01-IS-KIOZE-2063-ND1
- Biologia i ekologia 01-IS-1980-NP1
- Biologia i ekologia 01-IS-1980-SP1
- Biology and Ecology 01-IS-BIOEK-NP2
- Biology and Ecology 01-IS-BIOEK-NP3
- Biology and Ecology 01-IS-BIOEK-SP1
- Biology and Ecology 01-IS-BIOEK-SP2
- Biology and Ecology 01-IS-BIOEK-NP1
- Brief study of environmental engineering 08-ZIP-INSRO-NP1
- Brief study of environmental engineering 08-ZIP-INSRO-SP1
- Budownictwo energooszczędne i pasywne 01-B-BN-2625-ND2
- Building Energy Audits 01-IS-AEO-SD1
- Building Energy Audits 01-IS-AEO-ND1
- Building Installations 01-B-INSTB-NP6
- Building Installations 01-B-INSTB-SP4
- Building Installations 01-A-INSTB-SP5
- Building installations and renewable energy 01-B-IBOZE-SP4
- Building installations and renewable energy 01-B-IBOZE-NP4
- Building installations and renewable energy 01-A-IBOZE-SP5
- Chemia 01-B-0074-NP1
- Chemia 01-B-0074-SP2
- Chemia środowiska 01-IS-2044-ND1
- Chemistry 01-B-CHEM-NP2
- Chemistry 01-B-CHEM-SP1
- Chemistry 01-B-CHEM-SP2
- Chemistry 01-IS-CHEM-NP2
- Chemistry 01-IS-CHEM-SP2
- Chemistry 01-B-CHEM-NP1
- Cogeneration systems and heat recovery systems in industry 01-IS-SKUOC-ND2
- Cogeneration systems and heat recovery systems in industry 01-IS-SKUOC-SD2
- Computational Basis of Structural Design 01-IS-IPPR-SP3
- Computer computational methods of engineering systems 01-IS-KMOSI-SD1
- Computer computational methods of engineering systems 01-IS-KMOSI-ND1