Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Zakład Chemii Ogólnej i Nieorganicznej
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Zakład Chemii Ogólnej i Nieorganicznej
- (in Polish) Chemia 05-EN-ELE-CHEM-SP1
- Analysis of raw materials and assessment of products of food industry 02-ACS-AZ-ASOPPS-SP5
- Analytical chemistry 02-ACS-CHAN-SP2
- Analytical chemistry 02-IM-IMP-CAN-SP2
- Analytical chemistry 02-TC-CAN-SP3
- Analytical chemistry 02-TC-CAN-SP4
- Analytical chemistry 02-ACS-CHAN-NP2
- Analytical chemistry 02-IF-CHANAL-SP2
- Analytical chemistry 02-EMS-AC-SP2
- Analytical chemistry 02-TC-TPC-CA-NP3
- Analytical chemistry 02-TC-TPC-CA-NP4
- Analytical chemistry 02-ACS-1150-NP2
- Application of chemometric analysis in environmental analysis 02-ACS-AS-ZACAS-NP7
- Application of mass spectrometry 02-TCZ-3218-SD1
- Application of mass spectrometry in analytic 02-ACS-ZSMA-SP6
- Application of mass spectrometry in analytic 02-ACS-ZSMA-NP6
- Application of mass spectrometry in medicine 17-LEK-3075-SM2
- Automatic food analysis systems 02-TCZ-3228-SD1
- Bioinorganic chemistry 02-TC-CTK-CHBIO-SP5
- Calculus exercises in chemistry 02-IF-CRCH-SP2
- Calculus exercises in chemistry 02-WTC-0786-SP2
- Chemia 05-EN-0074-SP1
- Chemia z elementami biochemii 03-IWM-2949-SP2
- Chemical product management 02-ACS-PHESPZPC-NP8
- Chemical qualitative analysis 02-ACS-JACH-SP2
- Chemical qualitative analysis 02-ACS-JACH-NP2
- Chemical qualitative analysis 02-ACS-1154-NP2
- Chemistry 05-EN-ESE-CHEM-SP1
- Chemistry 02-TZC-CHO-SP1
- Chemometrics in pharmaceutical design 02-IF-CPF-SP7
- Computation in chemistry 17-LEK-3074-SM2
- Computer-aided methods in analytic 02-ACS-KWM-NP6
- Contemporary problems of inorganic chemistry 02-TC-WPCN-SD1
- Contemporary problems of inorganic chemistry 02-TC-1033-ND1
- Contemporary trends in material analysis 02-ACS-AS-WTAM-NP8
- Creation and protection of environmental 02-TC-TPC-KOS-SP5
- Diploma seminar 02-ACS-SD-SP7
- Diploma seminar 02-ACS-SD-NP8
- Electron microscopy of the solid state 02-IM-IMP-MECS-SP5
- Fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry 02-IF-PCOIN-SP1
- Fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry 02-WTC-0778-SP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-ACS-CHOG-SP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-ACS-CHOG-SP2
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-IM-IMP-CON-SP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-TC-CON-SP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-TC-CON-SP2
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-TC-EMS-GIC-SP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-TC-TPC-CON-NP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-TC-TPC-CON-NP2
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-ACS-CHOG-NP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-ACS-CHOG-NP2
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-IF-CHOG-SP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-ACS-1243-NP1
- General and inorganic chemistry 02-ACS-1243-NP2
- Integrated Permissions 02-OS-PT-PZ-SD2
- Management of quality and chemical products 02-TC-ZJPC-SP2
- Materials Engineering 05-EL-EP-IM-NP3
- Materials Engineering 05-EL-EP-IM-SP3
- Metallic heterogenous catalyzers on the carrier 02-TC-NTM-HKMN-SD2
- Methods of determining inorganic compounds 02-ACS-MOZN-NP3
- Modern cells as unconventional energy sources 02-TC-NTM-NONZE-SD2
- Modern methods of measurement and control in industry 02-IF-NMPKP-SP7
- Modifiers food products 02-TZR-MPS-SD1
- Molecular modeling supporting instrumental analysis 02-ACS-AS-MMWAI-NP8
- Online control of technological processes 02-TCZ-3227-SD1
- Physico-chemical technologies in environmental engineering 02-EMS-PCTIEE-SP1
- Principles of chemical catalysis 02-TC-TPC-PKC-SP5
- Process control in chemical technology 02-TC-EMS-PCCT-SP6
- Process control in chemical technology 02-TC-KPTC-SP6
- Process control in chemical technology 02-EMS-PCCT-SP2
- Process control in materials engineering 02-TC-EMS-PCME-SP3
- Process control in the pharmaceutical industry 02-IF-KPPF-SP7
- Protection of intellectual property 06-ZF-OWI-SP1
- Protection of intellectual property 06-ZO-OWI-NP2
- Protection of intellectual property 06-ZO-OWI-SP2
- Protection of intellectual property 06-IW-OWI-SP1
- Protection of intellectual property 06-IW-0006-SP1
- Protection of intellectual property 06-ZO-0006-NP1
- Protection of intellectual property 06-ZO-0006-SP1
- Qualitative inorganic chemistry 02-ERAS-QIC-SP1
- Quantitative analytical chemistry 02-ACS-ICHA-NP2
- Quantitative analytical chemistry 02-ACS-ICHA-NP3
- Research project 02-EMS-RP-SP2
- Scientific and technical information 02-ACS-INT-SP2
- Scientific and technical information 02-IF-INT-SP1
- Scientific and technical information 02-WTC-0780-SP1
- Selected problems of organic chemistry 02-TC-1035-ND1
- Surface phenomena and industrial catalysis 02-TC-ZPKP-SD1
- Surface phenomena and industrial catalysis 02-TC-1039-ND1
- Technical safety 02-TC-BT-SP1
- Technology and membrane processes 02-TZR-NTZ-TPM-SD2