Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Zakład Technologii i Inżynierii Przemysłu Spożywczego
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Zakład Technologii i Inżynierii Przemysłu Spożywczego
- (in Polish) Chemia 03-IOZ-CHE-SP2
- (in Polish) Chemia 03-PTS-CHEM-SP1
- (in Polish) Chemia 03-IB-CH-SP2
- (in Polish) Chemia 03-MBM-CH-SP2
- (in Polish) Chemia 03-PTS-CH-SP2
- (in Polish) Chemia 03-WIM-CH-SP1
- A graduate at the labour market 06-ZO-0999-ND1
- Active proteins 02-TCZ-3201-SD1
- Animal products and their acquisition 02-TZC-SZIP-SP1
- Anti-nutritional compounds 02-TCZ-3202-SD1
- Assessment of nutritional status and diet planning 02-TCZ-3240-SD1
- Basics of computer-aided CAD design 02-IM-IMP-PCAD-SP3
- Basics of dietetics 02-TZC-TZZZCD-PD-SP6
- Basics of human anatomy and physiology 02-TZC-TZZZCD-PA-SP5
- Basics of human anatomy and physiology 02-IF-PAIFC-SP3
- Basics of toxicology 02-IF-PT-SP3
- Biochemistry with elements of chemistry 17-LEK-3064-SM1
- Bromatology 02-IF-BROM-SP6
- Catering equipment 02-TZC-TZZZCD-AG-SP6
- Chemical computer science 02-TC-BP-INFCH-SP5
- Chemical industry machinery and equipment: 1. Design of a tank for storing liquids 02-TC-MAPS-PZDPC-SP5
- Chemistry 02-MBM-CHEMI-SP1
- Chemistry 03-MBM-CHEM-NP1
- Chemistry 03-MCH-CH-SP2
- Chemistry of bioactive natural compounds (Właściwości chemiczne naturalnych związków bioaktywnych) 02-TCZ-3263-SD1
- Chemistry of food 02-TC-TPC-CSS-SP7
- Chemistry of food and nutrition 02-EMS-CHOFN-SP2
- Collective feeding 02-TZC-TZZZCD-ZZ-SP6
- Commodities raw materials and products of animal origin 06-TZR-TSPPZ-SD2
- Computer – aid in engineerring 02-IM-IMP-KWPI-SP7
- Computer – aid in engineerring 02-IM-IMP-KWPI-SP5
- Contemporary trends in material analysis 02-ACS-AS-WTAM-SP7
- Control and analysis in the production chain 02-TCZ-3394-SD1
- Cosmetology and skin pharmacology 02-TC-CTK-KFS-SP7
- Creation of image 06-ZO-KW-SP1
- Creation of image 06-ZFP-0386-SP1
- Creation of image 06-ZO-0386-NP1
- Creation of image and presentation graphics 06-ZF-ZWT-KWiGP-SP7
- Current trends in catering technology 02-TZR-NTZ-WTTG-SD2
- Design of dietary supplements and special-purpose foods 02-IF-PSDZSP-SP7
- Design of food industry plants 02-TZC-PTZPS-SP5
- Designing new products and production processes in food technology 02-TCZ-3205-SD1
- Developing and placing on the market new products 02-TC-EMS-DPMNP-SP5
- Developing and placing on the market new products 02-TC-NTM-OWNRNP-SD3
- Development of new food products 02-TZC-ONPZ-SP6
- Diet therapy 02-IF-DIET-SP4
- Diet therapy 02-TZC-TZZZCD-DI-SP7
- Diet therapy and diet prevention of nutrition-related diseases 02-TCZ-3239-SD1
- Dietary supplements 02-TZR-NTZ-SUPD-SD2
- Engineering computer science 02-IM-IMP-II-SP1
- Engineering computer science 02-IM-IMP-II-SP2
- Engineering computer science 02-TZC-IZ-IINZ-SP6
- Engineering computer science 02-TZC-IZ-IINZ-SP2
- Engineering computer science 02-TZC-IINZ-SP1
- Engineering computer science 02-IF-IINZ-SP2
- Engineering graphics 02-IM-IMP-GI-SP1
- Engineering graphics 02-TC-GINZ-SP1
- Engineering graphics 02-TZR-GRAFI-SP3
- Engineering graphics 02-TZC-GINZ-SP1
- Excipients used in the pharmaceutical industry 02-IF-SPPF-SP3
- Food chemistry 02-TZR-CHEMZ-SP2
- Food chemistry 02-TZC-CZYW-SP3
- Food chemistry 02-ACS-AZ-CZ-SP5
- Food chemistry and technology 02-ACS-AZ-CTZ-NP6
- Food packaging and labelling 02-IW-PZPZ-SP5
- Food product development 02-EMS-FPD-SP2
- Food product modifiers 02-TCZ-3207-SD1
- Food production safety and quality systems 02-TZC-BPZSJ-SP6
- Food safety and nutritional value 02-TZC-TZZZCD-WZ-SP6
- Food toxicology 02-ACS-AZ-TZ-SP7
- Foreign specialist language in food technology 02-TZC-JOSTZ-SP5
- Functional additives to food 02-TZC-DFDZ-SP4
- Functional chemical compounds of natural raw materials 02-TC-TPC-2834-ND2
- Functional food 02-TZC-ZF-SP5
- Fundamentals of computer-aided materials science with computer-aided material design CAMD 02-IM-IMP-PCAMD-SP3
- Gastronomic technology 02-TZC-IZ-TG-SP6
- General technology of food 02-TZC-OTZ-SP2
- Health-promoting additives in food with elements of cosmetology 02-TZC-IZ-DPZEK-SP7
- Health-promoting food 02-TZC-TZZZCD-ZP-SP5
- High purity and special purpose materials 02-IM-IMP-MWCSP-SP7
- High purity and special purpose materials 02-TC-MWCSP-SP4
- HR managenent 06-ZO-0025-ND1
- Human nutrition 02-TZC-ZC-SP4
- Immunology 02-IF-IMM-SP7
- Implementation of new medicinal products and supplements 02-IF-WNPLS-SP7
- Information technologies in materials engineering 02-IM-IMP-TIIM-SP1
- Innovative prototyping methods in pharmaceutical engineering 02-IF-IMPWIF-SP6
- Integrated management systems 02-IM-IMP-ZSZ-SP7
- Integrated management systems 02-IM-IMP-ZSZ-SP3
- Law of food processing 02-TZC-PZ-SP2
- Legal aspects of pharmaceutical engineering and food law 02-IF-PAIFPZ-SP7
- Machinery and equipment of the pharmaceutical industry 02-IF-MIAPF-SP5
- Machinery and equipment of the pharmaceutical industry 1. Design of a liquid tank 02-IF-MIAPF-PZC-SP5
- Machinery and equipment specialist 02-TZR-MUS-SD2
- Machinery and equipment specialist food industry 02-TZR-MUSPS-SD2
- Master seminar 02-TZR-NTZ-SM-SD2
- Master seminar 02-TZR-NTZ-SM-SD3
- Materials of natural origin 02-IM-IMP-MPN-SP3
- Materials strength 02-IM-IMP-WMAT-SP5
- Mechanics and strength 02-TC-TPC-MW-SP7