Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Katedra Agronomii i Przetwórstwa Żywności
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Agronomii i Przetwórstwa Żywności
- (in Polish) Finanse i rachunkowość przedsiębiorstw rolnych 08-FIR-FIRPR-SP3
- Accountancy in agriculture 04-RO-AA-RROL-NP7
- Accountancy in agriculture 04-RO-AB-RROL-SP6
- Accountancy in economic activity 02-TZC-RDG-SP7
- Adaptogens 02-IF-AD-SP8
- Advanced food processing and human nutrition 04-EMS-AFPHNUT-SP1
- Advanced food processing and human nutrition 04-EMS-AFPHNUT-SP2
- Agricultural advisory 04-RO-DROL-NP8
- Agricultural advisory 04-RO-DROL-SP5
- Agricultural economics and farm organization 04-RO-OIER-NP6
- Agricultural economics and farm organization 04-RO-OIER-NP7
- Agricultural law 04-RO-AA-PROL-ND3
- Agricultural systems 04-RO-AA-SROL-NP8
- Alternative and herbal plants 04-RO-AA-RZIA-NP7
- Alternative and herbal plants 04-RO-AB-RAIZ-SP5
- Analiza rynku rolnego i marketing 04-RO-AA-0585-ND2
- Analysis of agricultural market and marketing 04-RO-AA-ARRIM-ND2
- Apiculture 04-ZIF-PSZCZ-SP4
- Basics of human nutrition 04-ZIF-PZC-SP3
- Biologia plonowania roślin 04-RO-AA-0583-ND2
- Biological progress 04-RO-AA-PBIOL-ND2
- Biostatistics 04-AGT-BST-SP2
- Biostatistics 04-AGT-1841-NP2
- Biostatistics 04-AGT-1841-SP2
- Biotechnology food of plant origin 04-BIO-BS-BZPR-SP6
- Bromatologia 04-ZIF-3325-SP2
- Chromatography in food quality evaluation 04-BIO-DM-CHJZ-SD1
- Chromatography in food quality evaluation 04-BIO-DM-2650-SD1
- Crop production, medicinal plants and experimental methodology 04-EMS-CPMPEM-SP1
- Crop production, medicinal plants and experimental methodology 04-EMS-CPMPEM-SP2
- Cultivation of herbal plants 04-ZIF-URZ-SP3
- Cultivation of herbal plants 04-ZIF-URZ-SP4
- Detailed plant cultivation 04-RO-SUR-NP6
- Detailed plant cultivation 04-RO-SUR-NP7
- Detailed plant cultivation 04-RO-SUR-SP6
- Diagnosing and combating weeds in crops 04-RO-DZZU-SP5
- Diagnosing the condition of crops 04-RO-DSU-SP6
- Diagnostics of the crops 04-RO-AA-DSRU-ND3
- Dietetics 04-ZIF-DIET-SP4
- Diploma seminar 04-RO-AA-SD-NP7
- Diploma seminar 04-RO-AA-SD-NP8
- Diploma seminar 04-RO-AB-SD-SP6
- Economics and organization of agricultural production 04-RO-EOPR-SP7
- Economics of agribusiness 04-RO-AA-EAGRO-NP5
- Economics of agribusiness 04-RO-AB-EAGRO-SP5
- Economy 08-BIO-EKON-SP1
- Economy 04-AGT-EKON-SP1
- Economy 04-AGT-0071-NP1
- Economy 04-AGT-0071-SP1
- Economy 04-BIO-0071-SP1
- Ecophilosophy 04-RO-EKOF-ND1
- Ecoschemes 04-AGT-EKSCH-NP3
- Ecoschemes 04-AGT-EKSCH-SP3
- Ekofilozofia 04-RO-0575-ND1
- Ekofilozofia 04-RO-0575-SD1
- Farm storage and processing 04-RO-PIPPR-NP8
- Farm storage and processing 04-RO-PIPPR-SP7
- Fizjologia żywienia człowieka 04-ZIF-1776-SP2
- Fundamentals of medical diagnostics and ethics of the herbalist-phytotherapist profession 04-ZIF-PDMEZ-SP3
- Fundamentals of sustainable development 04-AGT-PRZ-SP1
- Fundamentals of sustainable development 04-AGT-1762-NP1
- Fundamentals of sustainable development 04-AGT-1762-SP1
- Herbal and herbal medicine in Poland and in the world 04-ZIF-ZZP-SP1
- Herbal commodities 04-ZIF-TZ-SP4
- Herbology 04-RO-AA-HERB-NP6
- Herbology 04-RO-AB-HERB-SP5
- Herbs in cosmetics CM-ZIF-ZWK-SP4
- Human anatomy and physiology 04-ZIF-AFCZ-SP1
- Information technologies 04-AGT-TI-SP1
- Information technologies 04-AGT-0072-NP1
- Information technologies 04-AGT-0072-SP1
- Information technology 04-ZIF-TI-SP1
- Interpersonal communication and negotiation 04-AK-KIN-SP7
- Interpersonal communication and negotiation in business 04-ZIF-KINB-SP7
- Interpersonal communication and negotiations 04-BIO-1332-SP2
- Lawns and ornamental grasses 04-AK-TITO-SP4
- Meadow management 04-RO-LAK-NP7
- Meadow management 04-RO-LAK-SP6
- Methodology of experimental work 04-BIO-DM-MPD-SD1
- Methodology of experimental work 04-BIO-2642-SD1
- Methods in agricultural research 04-RO-MBROL-ND1
- Metody badań rolniczych 04-RO-0579-ND1
- Metody badań rolniczych 04-RO-0579-SD1
- Natural cosmetics with recipe elements 02-IF-KNZER-SP4
- Negotiation in business 04-RO-AA-NWB-ND3
- Pharmacognosy CM-ZIF-FGN-SP3
- Physiology of human nutrition 04-ZIF-FZC-SP3
- Planning activities of farm 04-RO-AA-PDG-NP8
- Plant cultivation technologies 04-AGT-TUR-NP4
- Plant cultivation technologies 04-AGT-TUR-SP4
- Plants yielding biology 04-RO-AA-BPR-ND2
- Podstawy rozwoju zrównoważonego 04-ZIF-1762-SP1
- Podstawy żywienia człowieka 04-ZIF-1775-SP2
- Postęp biologiczny 04-RO-0582-ND2
- Postępy agrotechniki 04-RO-AA-0584-ND2
- Praktyka dyplomowa 04-RO-AB-1831-SD1
- Principles of entrepreneurship 04-RO-PP-NP8
- Principles of entrepreneurship 04-RO-PP-SP7
- Principles of entrepreneurship 04-ZIF-ZRL-PP-SP7
- Principles of entrepreneurship 04-AK-PP-SP7